Delivering Big Ideas for Mega Gifts Update


  • Kick-off meeting with guest speaker Katherine Stewart, vice provost for faculty affairs
  • Second meeting to define “big idea” and our academic focus groups (Assistant Deans of Research, Star Faculty, Deans Workgroup, and Donors)
  • Clarified and narrowed our focus: present a process for vetting Big Ideas on our campus


  • Likely more good ideas about how to build this process than we can digest
  • Building a common language around what a Big Idea is and is NOT (thank you Sharon Das and EAB for forthcoming graphic)
  • We anticipate academic leadership outlining many hurdles as to why this isn’t already happening on our campus (credit: Lara B.d.F.)

What is exciting about this project?

  • The endless possibility for 7- and 8- figure (or dare we dream 9-) philanthropy on this campus. The ideas are here…we just have to learn to capture and translate them.