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Make Doing Business with NC State Easier Update

Accomplishments Coordinating university-wide stakeholder review/feedback/buy-in of “Gifts, Grants, Research Distinction” Chart: CDOs Partnerships Office College Research Officers Select Faculty from University Research Council  Next Steps...

Make Doing Business with NC State Easier Update

Highlights Increased awareness & education with our partners across campus about philanthropy and research  Researched best practices/examples of how other institutions are handling complexities of...

Make Doing Business with NC State Easier Update

Accomplishments Researched peer best practices/examples  Ongoing development of a toolkit with practical documents for DOs, Business Officers, Faculty to navigate complex topic NC State Ledger...

Make Doing Business with NC State Easier Update

Accomplishments Offices share a willingness to partner and desire to make improvements for greater clarity and efficiency. Investing time in education and awareness that is...