- Increased awareness & education with our partners across campus about philanthropy and research
- Researched best practices/examples of how other institutions are handling complexities of gifts vs. grants vs. contracts
- Developing a Complex Gift Toolkit with practical documents for DOs, Business Officers, Faculty to navigate complex topic:
- Distinction of gifts, grants and contracts guide
- NC State Ledger doc – definitions, descriptions, etc.
- FAQs for specific complex gifts – i.e. non-specific grants, sponsorships, etc.
- Workflow doc for various types of complex gifts/grants
- June 30: Complex Gift Toolkit – production of documents to share w/university-wide stakeholders, training/education around toolkit
- June 30: Report of obstacles, challenges, and recommendations to address issues that cannot be address through toolkit – i.e. complex gifts that are exceptions, state laws, etc.
- FY22+: Donor Services to continue to build upon workgroup through ongoing development of resources and support