Gifts and Records Management
Gifts and Records Management processes private donations to the university. Our team is responsible for recording and maintaining alumni and donor information, providing biographical and gift processing, and ensuring that all contributions are receipted in a timely manner.
Processing and acknowledgment of private gifts to the university include gifts of cash, credit card, securities and gifts-in-kind. Biographical updates processed in the university’s alumni and donor database include notification of name changes, change-of-address, employment information, job promotions, marriages, births, deaths and research of lost alumni. Gifts and Records Management also administers the corporate matching gifts program.
Advancement Services Help Desk
Gifts and Records Management works with people and organizations that give to the University; therefore, it’s important to ensure patron satisfaction. To assist you in your efforts, the Help Desk will answer questions and resolve issues regarding gifts to NC State University. You can reach the Advancement Services Help Desk office between 8 am – 4 pm, Monday-Friday or by calling 919.515.7827 or via e-mail.
Karen A. Sims-Harrell, M.Ed., Director